What's On

Wednesday 17 October 2018, 7.30pm

  • Multiple locations
  • Nearly full

An Evening with Professor Robert Winston

An Evening with Professor Robert Winston

Presented by Saffron Hall

Robert Winston

Does decoding the human genome herald new opportunities for medicine or is there a darker side? Will ethics prevent us from manufacturing stronger, more gifted children? Or will our imperfect knowledge of genetics result in some major surprises? Join legendary scientist, politician and writer Robert Winston to discover more.

Lord Winston is Professor of Science and Society and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial College London. In the 1970s he developed gynaecological surgical techniques that improved fertility treatments. He later pioneered new treatments to improve in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and developed pre-implantation diagnosis. This allowed embryos to be screened for genetic diseases and has allowed parents carrying faulty genes to have children free of illnesses such as cystic fibrosis. Robert Winston is also Chairman of the Genesis Research Trust – a charity which raised over £13 million to establish the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology and which now funds high quality research into women’s health and babies.

Our freshly made pre-show Deli Boxes are available to order for this event. Click here for more information.

Performance information

Booking information


Under 25s can purchase half price tickets for this show.

Ten for £10

This event is not part of our Ten for £10 scheme.

Information for your visit

Wednesday 17 October 2018, 7.30pm


All timings are approximate and will be updated closer to the show date. Please check the website on the day of the performance for up-to-date information.

Latecomers can usually be admitted at a suitable gap within the performance.

Additional information


For this event, drinks are not allowed in the auditorium.


We are unable to allow any bags into the performance space which are larger than a hand bag or small backpack. Unfortunately our cloakroom will not be in operation.

Booster seats not available

Buggy parking not available

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Exterior of Saffron Hall showing the Saffron Walden County High School and Saffron Hall signs next to each other

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Light floods through the windows of the auditorium on to the blue theatre seats


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